November 23, 20100

The gathering with the oboe gang was much-needed. Surprisingly, there wasn’t as much reed talk and more variety in pieces played. Schumann was a hot piece this year (or maybe it was just herd instinct) and we took turns playing accompaniment. Veda brought her baroque oboe and taught me to…

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August 23, 2009

… the more we get together….

… the more we get together….

What happens when one puts seven oboes, a barock oboe, a cor anglais, a piano and eight oboists (and two Jack-Russell terriers as well, I must add) in the same place? I’ll let the pictures do the talking (: First there was Liangyou. and nobody else. So he started giving…

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June 26, 2008

Oboe Gathering on 25th June 2008

Oboe Gathering on 25th June 2008

And so we had our not-so-annual gathering of the few of us who play the oboe. Discussion topics over salad-and-steak at Sizzlers’ and coffee at Starbucks included orchestras, conductors, food, oboes, cookie-baking (check out Rachel’s website, she makes the most amazing cookies!) and of course, reeds. From left to right,…

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April 19, 2008

Tackling the Metamorphoses…


Oboe teacher suggested that I do three of Britten’s Six Metamorphoses After Ovid in my degree recital programme. She recommended numbers 1, 4 and 6 (Pan, Bacchus and Arethusa). Lesson on friday afternoon went like this: Teacher: See the first phrase here? It’s like a sigh. And the second one…

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January 30, 2008

and life goes on…


Thanks Patty for reminding me that I still have this blog! :S Haven’t updated lately due to commitments everywhere. Firstly, Happy 2008 everyone! Oboe recital results are out, and I’ve passed both my Trinity diploma exam and my graduation recital by the grace of God 🙂 Honestly, I thought that…

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