August 11, 2009



I get miffed by people blasting their music out loud when on the bus. Especially when it’s stupid loud and brainless pop music. What’s the point of playing your music for everyone to hear? Think you’re being considerate by “sharing”? I was sitting at the back of the bus, all…

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September 5, 2008

Two incidents..


#1: Worked on the Holzbauer third movement during oboe lesson that day. While in the middle of a technical passage, the teacher said, “You’ve got to play with more LOVE, girl! Dig deep inside of you and find all the love you can get.” Seriously! #2: The new bassoonist in…

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September 5, 2008

On Practicing…


Got this off an email from a friend: Why some people do not find practice boring: For the superior performer, the goal isn’t just repeating the same thing again and again but achieving higher levels of control over every aspect of their performance. That’s why they don’t find practice boring….

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August 3, 2008

NAFA Symposium 2008: New Asian Imaginations


A two-day long symposium with 22 thought-provoking lectures by international artists across various disciplines; artists, theatre specialists, a chinese opera specialist dancers, an art historian, music curators, lecturers, etc.. Some interesting points raised: “But when forms are subverted and accepted rules and principles abandoned, by what criteria are we to…

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July 29, 2008

The first week of school..

The first week of school..

.. has come and gone. Modules have been confirmed, and homework has been given. I’ll be doing Research Project ( a 6000-word essay, probably on Music Therapy),Music Criticism ( a 1500 – word essay and two other shorter papers) andInternational Exchange (hopefully to a school in Mannheim, with two 1250-word…

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November 14, 2007

Post-recital thoughts…

Post-recital thoughts…

What I can never understand about reeds is that they can be so temperamental. The recital programme was as follows: Concerto in D, Op. 7 Nr. 6AllegroAdagioAllegroTommaso Albinoni Concerto no. 1 in D minor1st movement – AllegroLudwig August Lebrun Sonate (1938),1st Movement – MunterPaul Hindemith Sarabande et AllegroGabriel Grovlez There…

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