December 25, 2012

So this is Christmas..


…spent away from my family, for the first time. A rather quiet Christmas, free from the present-shopping and wrapping; church rehearsals; and familial duties. I’d been dreading it since I heard the first christmas songs at the Kirkgate Market in October. As Bing Crosby’s voice crooned “I’ll be home for…

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November 26, 2012

Sibelius Sunday..


…it shall be called, 2nd December 2012 because of the amount of works by Sibelius performed in two different locations in Leeds. A friend from Manchester told me that his friend will be performing the Sibelius Violin Concerto at the Leeds College of Music, with the Leeds College of Music…

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November 15, 2012

Opposing interpretations..


So I decided to pick up the second English Suite in a minor by Bach again after putting it down for a little while. My teacher here heard it by me for the first time today in lesson, and oh my goodness it was a complete opposite interpretation of Miss Lim’s!He…

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