September 5, 2008

Two incidents..



Worked on the Holzbauer third movement during oboe lesson that day. While in the middle of a technical passage, the teacher said, “You’ve got to play with more LOVE, girl! Dig deep inside of you and find all the love you can get.”



The new bassoonist in year 1 is from China, he doesn’t speak a word of English. we asked him to join our quintet. This happened on monday in the lift after band rehearsal:

Me: Uh… (in my half-baked chinese) Hey, tomorrow we’ve got… uh….
(shucks i forgot how to say ‘rehearsal’ in chinese!)
Him: hmm? (questioning glance)
Me: Hmm.. Am morgen haben wir Quintett üben.
Him: Ach, wie spät?

and we continued the conversation in german. -.-!!

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