July 29, 2008

The first week of school..

The first week of school..

.. has come and gone. Modules have been confirmed, and homework has been given. I’ll be doing

Research Project ( a 6000-word essay, probably on Music Therapy),
Music Criticism ( a 1500 – word essay and two other shorter papers) and
International Exchange (hopefully to a school in Mannheim, with two 1250-word essays plus journals).

Loads and loads of writing to do. As I was telling Jeff the other day, it’s such a joy to write about music, until it becomes homework. With deadlines and grades, writing becomes a chore.

Upcoming orchestral repertoire includes Dvorak 8th Symphony, Chopin’s first piano concerto, and maybe later on Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde. We sight-read through the Dvorak 8th on mon and wed, and I can conclude that Dvorak hated second oboists/english horn players. He wrote only 2-and-a-half bars for the EH in the whole symphony! That means bringing both the oboe and the EH to rehearsals, setting them up, soaking reeds and tuning both instruments…

and only playing the EH for that two bars.

dipAB piano exam is on the 6th. I hope I make it through.

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