January 30, 2008

and life goes on…


Thanks Patty for reminding me that I still have this blog! :S Haven’t updated lately due to commitments everywhere.

Firstly, Happy 2008 everyone!

Oboe recital results are out, and I’ve passed both my Trinity diploma exam and my graduation recital by the grace of God 🙂 Honestly, I thought that I’d fail, with all the throat problems that I was having the weeks prior to my exam. Surprised almost everyone with my results except Reuben, who’s reaction was, “I’d never expected anything less.”

And so, my next task will be to learn up the Mozart concerto for the American university auditions. Any recommendations for the edition of score I should use? Oh yes, and reeds too. What a bother. Teacher was saying I should do a major in oboe so I can get credit for the functional piano and guitar modules. Heh. If all goes well, it’s off to Philadelphia for the semester starting in fall. 🙂

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